Social Media House Rules

Orange Sky Pty Ltd highly values our community of online followers across our social media channels – namely Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. 

By using or posting on Orange Sky Pty Ltd’s social media channels, as well as any online groups managed by us, you are accepting Orange Sky’s House Rules and agreeing to follow guidelines as set out below. These include all channels under the brands of:

• Orange Sky Australia

• Orange Sky New Zealand

• Volaby

• The Sudsy Challenge Australia

• The Sudsy Challenge New Zealand 

These Rules have been developed to ensure that our community can enjoy a safe and positive online experience, free from harassment, discrimination and prejudice. Orange Sky Pty Ltd takes a zero tolerance approach to any misconduct and reserves the right to hide or remove any online content that: 

• Is discriminatory in any way, including but not limited to any judgemental, racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist or ageist content

• Is inflammatory, defamatory, obscene or indecent

• Uses threatening, violent or offensive language 

• Spreads inaccurate, misleading, fraudulent or deceptive information 

• Is disrespectful of others’ beliefs, whether political, religious or otherwise 

• Is dismissive of our community’s experience or prejudiced against people experiencing homelessness, or people who have experienced any other form of marginalisation

• Is in violation of any laws or regulations, including intellectual property laws.

These House Rules were last updated on 8 May 2024 and may be updated at any time without prior notice. If you have any questions, please contact us through our social media channels or by emailing us at